Foundation Description

Newborns because of immature immune function and poor resistance, neonatal bacterial infection is a common type of infection. The route of infection can be skin and mucous membrane, umbilical cord stump, respiratory tract, digestive tract and other bacterial invasion. Symptoms of neonatal infection include fever, cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, dyspnea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


WESAIL Solutions for Critical Children and Newborns

In view of the difficulty of venous blood collection for infants and young children, WESAIL provides peripheral blood PCT project for critically ill children and neonatal treatment centers. The blood collection volume is 30ul and the detection time is 5 minutes. WESAIL assists in quickly and accurately judging the infection degree and providing reference for antibiotic use, reducing the difficulty of blood collection, alleviating the pain of children and helping doctors to diagnose quickly.