Foundation Description

With the postponement of the childbearing age of modern men and women, the increasing pressure of social life and work, and the increasing demand for fertility in elderly couples after the opening of the second child, according to the assessment of the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1 out of every 7 couples There are reproductive disorders, the technical requirements for reproductive centers have also increased, and the demand for fertility testing has further increased.

WESAIL Reproductive Medicine Center Solutions

Common tests of reproductive function for the Center for Reproductive Medicine:

> AMH detection

Evaluate ovarian reserve, and its level is not affected by menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives and pregnancy.

2. Assisted reproduction

AMH levels can accurately predict the patient's response to controlled ovarian stimulation (controlled ovarianstimulation,COS), and can be used to select personalized treatment.

3, Other clinical applications

AMH has been proved to be a specific circulating index of granulosa cell tumor, and its diagnostic sensitivity is 76% ~ 93%. The serum AMH level is directly related to the size of ovarian granulosa cell tumor and the imaging results. AMH can also indicate the recurrence of granulosa cell tumors 11 months earlier than other clinical indicators.

> InhB detection

1.InhB and ovarian reserve assessment

Women with decreased ovarian reserve are the first to show a decrease in basal INHB levels.

2.InhB and Prediction of Ovarian Response

Basational InhB levels, INHB levels on day 5 of FSH injection, can be used to predict ovarian response.

3.InhB and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Serum InhB in PCOS patients was significantly higher than that in normal group.

4.InhB and premature ovarian failure (POF)

The serum INHB of POF patients was significantly lower than that of the normal group.

5.InhB and Perimenopause

Serum InhB decreases with the decline of ovarian reserve, and serum InhB indicates perimenopause earlier than FSH and E2.